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up-dated: 2006-07-04 21:25 GMT 
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Oxford fair night St.Giles streetOxford fair night St.Giles street
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Oxford city for bicycleOxford city for bicycle
Brighton & Hove
Blenheim Palace
London FulhamPhotos

Oxford city for bicycle


Oxford by bicycle for the first time

cycle green line

At the first time when I saw technical state of lended bicycle from our landlord, was clear, that isn't new one. Functionless rusty front brake with broken wire was useless to repair, so Radek moved effort to fix end brake. He was quite successful so I could take a jorney to friend. Was quite heavy clouds on the skyline, but when I went out from home in Botley was about 18:40 (CET 19:40 :-). I had a lot of work with my first downhill on bicycle. Clouds on the skyline was horrible, so I speeded up. I drove olympic speed through the park even I forgot to technical condition of bicycle. When I left the park I rode to the Ferry Hinksey Road direct to right site. When I noticed first car, was clear that I had "wrong way". Therefore I diverted to the left side, where is special green line just for bicycles in the city. Green line is enough wide for one bicycle and other road users (city buses, cars..) respect this line. I drove in this line and in front of me I saw a biker in windjacket. He drove fast so I went with him. He had absolutelly the same way through city centre as me. Miraculously, on most crosses was green on, we met first time red on as far Headington road, where I stopped far behind white line (cause of brakes) , so I had to continue in my journey. It' means I ran over this cross when red was on. But in Oxfrod a lot of people go on pedestrian crossing when red is on, and if not they are to be turists. Bikers also go through crossing when red is on. Next anomaly on my way was front wheel, which was extra track offset. I registred this first time when I missed subway near railway station. Horrible clouds as miracle missed the town, and I came in to my friend and home. Oxford is city for bike and biker, cause is on the flat and bicycle is cheap transport equipment first of all for a students ...


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